WNx Homestay's Plot

07 August 2010

What the hell was WNx Homestay about anyway?

Alright, I'm currently in my hometown, Ipoh, so I couldn't put up a comic strip for this Sunday. So...for those readers who had no idea about the whole WNx Homestay thing, here's something about it.

WNx Homestay is based on real-life characters. Each member of the WarriorNation guild (a guild in the game, Cabal) would have their own character with their own personalities. The characters in the comic are either humans, food, objects, animals, insects or even magical entities.

The comic revolves around Mashi, a 12-year-old orphan girl, adopted by Wallyba, a beautiful young lady who owns the Homestay. These two live along with another person called Hoi Meng who rents a place there. Mashi has the ability to communicate with the objects, animals and so on at home. She is able to hear out thoughts and rants of non-living entities which seem to have thoughts of their own. Due to her unique abilities, other entities outside try to get closer to her as well to communicate with her.

Basically, Mashi solves day-to-day problems that these entities face. Apart from Mashi's efforts of solving problems, the comic also tells about the day-to-day interactions among the entities.
